Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And The Beat Goes On

So.... I'm going to be getting back into the swing of things with my blog. I'm still saddened by the loss of my gramma, but life must go on and she would want me to carry on with my life, with a smile on my face and love in my that is just what I'll do. 

I'll be posting some random internet crack later as per my usual Wednesday schedule, but first I'm going to blog a little bit about something new I'm going to be attempting. It's not that it's brand new per se, because it's always been a hobby. It's just something I've always been pretty good at and I am going to explore it a little

I'm buying a new Nikon DSLR camera (and by I, I mean my husband is graciously buying it me...he spoils me so) and I'm going to try my hand at some natural light photography. If I do well enough I would hope to make it a nice part-time gig. I just think it would be something really fun to do on the side. 

I don't really have any high expectations of fame and glory, but I do think it's something I'll do pretty well. So...if you'd like to donate yourself or your child for an afternoon so I can build my portfolio a bit...I'll be happy to give you a free CD of the images I take. Just write me an Email or leave me a comment below! 


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