Monday, July 26, 2010

Mischief Monday: Banana Day

Ok so I'd like to kick off the start of Mischief Monday's with a little throwback.  (My fellow Methacton alum will probably appreciate this.)

When I was in high school there was one lone teacher that we all feared...we'll call her Ms. Skirtsuit, because, well... SHE ALWAYS WORE A SKIRT SUIT. I mean for real...shoulder pads and all. The best part is, they were always ridiculous colors. I'm talking bright red, purple and once I even saw her wear yellow. ANYWAY. We all pretty much steered clear of that woman. She was always on a mission to get someone in trouble for being late to class, being in the halls without a pass, wearing inappropriate clothes etc etc.

So one day, we're all getting ready to go into class. The bell is literally about to ring and there are very few people left in the halls...when all the sudden a guy in a banana suit (Banana Man) starts running down the halls throwing bananas at people...hard to imagine, you say?

This picture is not the actual picture of banana-suit-guy. I took it from google. Thanks, google. 
How about now? So Ms. Skirtsuit starts chasing after him down the halls, when she realizes that her shoes are preventing her from catching up to him. So naturally, she proceeds to take off her high healed skirt-suit-matching shoes and begins running full force at Banana Man. The entire school is now peeking out of classroom doors trying to get a look at Banana Man. Ms. Skirtsuit continues to chase him outside, and is MERE INCHES from catching him when he jumps into the bed of his getaway pick-up truck (yes, you heard right...a getaway pick-up truck) and he rides off into the sunset (still throwing bananas). I'm not quite sure where he stored his endless supply of bananas, but it doesn't really matter does it?

I'm fairly certain she never found out who it was. I imagine that Ms. Skirtsuit still thinks of him as the one that got away...I like to think of him as my hero. Thank you, Banana Man.

Do you have an awesome personal prank story to share? Email Me or comment below for a chance to win a Starbucks giftcard. Check back tomorrow for a "Get Organized" post about Organizing with ADD. If I can do it, you can too!


Sarah Lena said...

I'm not sure this qualifies as an AWESOME prank story, but here goes:

I put my son in daycare at three months old. Only because one of my nearest and dearest friends was the director there AND she had a son in the same class. It's hard for any mom to put a kid in daycare.

I was always in charge of pick-up and one morning, dutifully signed him out and trudged down to the infant room. Admittedly, when my child was little, I had trouble recognizing him amongst a room full of infants, but I noticed he wasn't in there.

The teacher looked at me and said, "Oh, he's already been picked up."

I pull out my phone and ring Bryan, who DID NOT HAVE THE BABY.

I might have started hyperventilating as I ran up and down the hallway looking for who might have my baby.

My nearest and dearest friend had seen me coming and had ducked into another room with my son to hide him from me.

"Oh, it was just a joke, Sarah!" she said.

I can laugh at it. NOW. :)

Frazzalicious said...

No matter how many times I hear it, I will never tire of that story!

This pic also reminds me of the time that Red's brother and best friend rented a banana suit and a gorilla suit. They proceeded to the busiest street in their town with the banana running and screaming while the gorilla chased it. I thought for sure a wreck as imminent. You think people stop and look for car wrecks? This spectacle put all other rubber-necking to shame!

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