Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ok...So I found this simple template that I like and I'm going to play around with it some more, and I'm going to make my own banner (read: I'm crossing my fingers I can create a banner out the pictures I have but if I totally fail at it I'll be getting one of my awesome graphic designer buddies to do it for me :-P)

I guess there is one good thing that came from blogger deleting my template....I'm starting to get pretty good at CSS/XML editing.

PS. Does anyone remember xanga? I WISH blogger had the xanga emoticons. I know that sounds totally lame...BUT I MISS THOSE EMOTICONS MORE THAN I MISS MY SKINNY HIGH SCHOOL BODY.


I'm just waiting for my internet to stop being so goshdarned slow so I can upload my Photoshop edit/before and after photos. Watch for those!


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